Ecuador reports (2010): In relation to recommendation 37, and in particular the principle of free, prior and informed consent of indigenous peoples, the constitutional framework provided
by the Secretariat of Peoples, Social Movements and Citizen Participation equips the Government to build a State that is both intercultural (in which different cultures and/or persons of different backgrounds coexist on a basis of respect, fairness, equality, justice and solidarity) and plurinational (in which the State recognizes the existence and coexistence of various nationalities and peoples within a unitary State). Furthermore, the National Secretariat for Planning and Development is currently working on issues relating to territory, public policy and institutions, and has proposedmeasures that address the concerns of peoples and nationalities in all three areas.
Finland reports (2010): As mentioned above under Recommendation 34, Finland participated into the midterm evaluation of the implementation of the Second International Decade of the World’s Indigenous Peoples. In its evaluation report, Finland noted that both the Government and the Sámi Parliament participated actively in the negotiation process of the UN Declaration. The Declaration was moreover considered an important mechanism in underscoring the principle of full and effective participation of indigenous peoples in decision-making processes, as well as a tool for the strengthening of the promotion and protection of the rights of indigenous peoples worldwide. It thus should, as a standard of achievement, serve as a comprehensive framework for cooperation between States and indigenous peoples.
The process of translating the Declaration into the Finnish and Sámi languages is ongoing.
Within short, Finland will submit its contribution to the Expert Mechanism on Indigenous Issues on Indigenous Peoples and their Right to Participate in Decision-Making.