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Paragraph Number: 16
Session: 4 (2005)
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Governments, the United Nations system and other intergovernmental organizations should develop programs, in cooperation with indigenous peoples, to build the capacity and awareness of their staff to better understand and address indigenous issues

Area of Work: Cooperation, MDGs
Paragraph Number: 127
Session: 4 (2005)
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The Forum invites other international and regional institutions also to engage in cooperation with the Forum, including the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, UNAIDS, the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, the Economic Commission for Europe, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Arctic Council, the Asian Development Bank, the African Union, the Organization of American States, the Association of South-East Asian Nations, and the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation

Area of Work: Cooperation
Paragraph Number: 125
Session: 4 (2005)
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The Forum congratulates the United Nations Development Program for convening a productive session of the Inter-Agency Support Group on Indigenous Issues in September 2004, welcomes the expanding membership of the Inter-Agency Support Group and encourages other intergovernmental entities to join the Group, and encourages the Group to continue the practice of the participation of members of the Permanent Forum

Area of Work: Cooperation
Paragraph Number: 25
Session: 4 (2005)
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The Forum encourages the World Bank to ensure the full and effective participation of indigenous peoples in the formulation of the forthcoming indigenous peoples' guidebook and any revision to the operational policy BP 4.10 on indigenous peoples. The policy and practice of the World Bank and other multilateral development banks should be consistent with internationally recognized human rights of indigenous peoples. The results of the International Expert Workshop on Methodologies regarding Free, Prior and Informed Consent should serve as a guide to the World Bank in its practices pertaining to indigenous peoples

Area of Work: Cooperation
Paragraph Number: 22
Session: 4 (2005)
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Relations between development agencies and the organizations of indigenous peoples should be direct and not relayed through intermediate institutions of the dominant society

Area of Work: Cooperation