The Permanent Forum recognizes the harm that the recent decision of the European Parliament regarding the seal product import ban may cause Inuit in the Arctic, and calls upon the European Union to rescind this import ban and, failing that, to enter into direct and meaningful dialogue with the Inuit Circumpolar Council to discuss ways of moving forward. Furthermore, the European Union must make decisions that affect both European and non-European indigenous peoples taking into account their right to free, prior and informed consent.
The Permanent Forum calls upon all States to work with indigenous peoples to develop and implement right-to-health indicators, to utilize the findings in the report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to health and to set benchmarks and timelines to ensure that indigenous peoples’ right to health is progressively realized, as required by the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and in the Millennium Development Goals.
Calling attention to the high rates of suicide among indigenous youth in some countries, the Permanent Forum reiterates its call for States and relevant national aboriginal health bodies to convene a meeting to assess the root causes of indigenous youth suicide and to formulate preventive strategies. The Forum reiterates its call on UNICEF and WHO to convene a meeting on youth suicide.
The Permanent Forum recommends that the Plurinational State of Bolivia should consider implementing the resolutions of the National Agrarian Reform Institute regarding the revocation of land titles on grounds of servitude in all matters affecting not only the freedom of individuals, but also the recovery of land for communities, thereby preventing legal proceedings from stalling a reform process that defends, promotes and protects human rights.
The Permanent Forum calls on the Office of the Attorney General and the district prosecutors’ offices in the Departments of Chuquisaca, Santa Cruz and Tarija to conduct criminal investigations into the events described by the Plurinational State of Bolivia in its report to this session of the Forum and in the subsequent report of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.
The Permanent Forum recommends that IFAD develop a stronger focus on issues relating to land and territory and actively promote indigenous peoples’ rights to land.
The Permanent Forum urges the international community to support the peace process in Mali and establish an independent monitoring committee that, in accordance with articles 7 and 37 of the United Nations Declaration, would oversee the implementation of the peace agreement of 20 June 2015, with the effective and representative participation of the Tuareg peoples.
As a result of the loss of their lands, territories and resources due to development and other pressures, many indigenous peoples are forced to leave their traditional lands and territories and migrate within and between countries to escape conflict, persecution and the impact of climate change. Indigenous peoples’ mobility has become an increasingly complex issue in recent years. The Permanent Forum therefore invites Member States to fully implement the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration adopted in December 2018, in line with the Declaration.
Acknowledging the normative work of the Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the Permanent Forum recommends that Member States and WIPO ensure protection against the misappropriation of the intellectual property of indigenous peoples. Member States must also enact laws and adopt policies and mechanisms to protect indigenous peoples’ intellectual property from misappropriation, including the wrongful use of their cultural heritage and traditional knowledge (including traditional knowledge of nature) and traditional cultural expressions (such as oral traditions, rites, literatures, graphic designs, textile designs, traditional sports and games, and visual and performing arts) and the manifestation of indigenous science and technology (including human and genetic resources, seeds and medicines).
The Forum recommends that UN-Habitat jointly, with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, through the United Nations Housing Rights Programme, organize an expert group meeting in 2006 to review the status of the realization process of indigenous peoples’ housing rights globally, and identify and document best practices and report on the outcome and recommendations of the expert group meeting at the sixth session of the Forum.
Human rights defenders are increasingly targeted as terrorists for promoting and protecting decades-old guaranteed rights. This alarming trend is seen in every region. Even the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, Victoria Tauli-Corpuz; former expert member of the Permanent Forum Joan Carling; and former member of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples José Molintas, have been declared terrorists in a petition by the Government of the Philippines. The Forum rejects this dangerous precedent and calls on the Government of the Philippines to remove their names, and the names of other indigenous leaders, from the petition and to ensure their safety as they continue promoting and protecting the rights of indigenous peoples. Further, the Forum urges the Government of the Philippines to repeal the Human Security Act, comply with its international human rights obligations and pursue its commitments under the Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law.
In support of their country-level programming, and with a view to a deeper appreciation of indigenous peoples’ perceptions of such interventions, UNICEF and UNFPA should undertake a study on the social, cultural, legal and spiritual institutions of indigenous peoples and how these affect the rights of women and children as laid out in local, regional and global frameworks.