UNICEF is invited to report to the Forum at its fifth session on the result of the "25 by 2005" initiative on maximizing indigenous girls' education programs
The Special Rapporteur on human rights and fundamental freedom of indigenous people and the Special Rapporteur on the right to education are invited to work with the Forum and other United Nations agencies to promote and monitor the realization of indigenous peoples' rights to quality and culturally appropriate education, including treaty rights to education
United Nations agencies involved in data-collection processes regarding the achievement of Millennium Development Goal 2 should develop indicators relevant for indigenous peoples that capture their specificities including languages, culture, values and worldviews.
The Forum wishes to draw particular attention to a number of recommendations made at its first three sessions that are of particular relevance for Millennium Development Goal 2
The Permanent Forum calls on Member States, UNDP and other relevant organizations to effectively involve indigenous peoples in the review processes of the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals at the national and local levels and to ensure that disaggregated data on how the Goals are achieved in indigenous peoples territories be included.
The Permanent Forum considers continued analysis of national reports on the Millennium Development Goals vital in order to ensure that they take into account the realization of the rights of indigenous peoples and indigenous perspectives.
The United Nations system is encouraged to support the full and effective participation of indigenous peoples in efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals at the national and local levels.
States, the United Nations system and other intergovernmental organizations should support the efforts of indigenous peoples to build, articulate and implement their visions of and strategies for development. They should provide adequate funding, technical and institutional support and training to enable indigenous peoples to achieve the Millennium Development Goals and for indigenous peoples to participate effectively in the planning, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies, programmes and projects
The Permanent Forum notes that 2010 is the review year for the Beijing Platform for Action and for the Millennium Development Goals. Fifteen years after Beijing and 10 years after the Millennium Summit, the situations of poverty faced by indigenous peoples, and their lack of access to basic services like health and education, especially among women, remain pervasive. The Forum reiterates and reaffirms the Beijing Declaration of Indigenous Women as a key tool for achieving the Millennium Development Goals with respect to indigenous women and their communities while advancing commitments to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The Forum calls on Governments and United Nations agencies to provide space for indigenous peoples, especially indigenous women, in the different processes leading to the review of the Beijing Platform for Action and the review of the Millennium Development Goals to be undertaken at the High-level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly in September 2010.
Governments, the United Nations system and other intergovernmental organizations should, within the context of the 2005 Millennium Development Goals review and beyond, develop disaggregated data and information on indigenous peoples, in partnership with indigenous peoples. This should include a budget analysis to determine the amount of resources allotted to indigenous peoples. The Forum recommends to the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean that it continue to and strengthen its efforts regarding the production, elaboration and use of relevant information from population censuses, household surveys and other adequate sources, jointly with indigenous peoples, aiming at improving socio-economic conditions and active participation of indigenous peoples in the development process throughout the Latin American and the Caribbean region
The Permanent Forum encourages the African Governments and the intergovernmental agencies to intensify dialogue among themselves under the supervision of the African Union, more precisely within the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights, with special emphasis on poverty eradication based on the free, prior and informed consent of indigenous peoples.
Member States, the United Nations system, bodies and funds should consider the definitions of extreme poverty by indigenous peoples and in this regard should refer to the report of the independent expert on human rights and extreme poverty (E/CN.4/2005/49). Poverty indicators based on indigenous peoples' own perception of their situation and experiences should be developed, jointly with indigenous peoples.